Tuesday, September 06, 2005

PC Pains

Sept. 6, 2005
I've got a small business on the side designing/creating websites and tuning up/fixing/upgrading PCs. Occasionally I come across a real tough case. Had one this weekend. Being your "regular Joe" of a guy and not having all the tools necessary to do the job thoroughly, often I have to rely on researching the Internet for answers. I want to personally thank all the awesome people who have taken the time to post answers to tough questions.

However, I've found over the years that there is a *TON* of garbage on the Internet. I realized that there is a sort of information SPAM, if you will, out there on the information highway that makes it difficult to find what you are looking for. Please don't misunderstand me wrong, I love the Internet. I have found many answers to life's questions using Google and other search engines. To use a metaphor here, I start out thinking I'm fishing in a small pond for trout and quickly realize I'm casting my line into an ocean that contains an infinite number of species of fish.

Ok, so this is not always a bad thing. Just one of my gripes right now... Thanks for reading.

I've been working on a friends PC over the past few days. His kids had downloaded a bunch of viruses... uh, I mean, games... off the Internet. His PC was so hosed I could barely get logged in and launch control panel. Finally, I got a bunch of the questionable stuff deleted/uninstalled and was able to run the virus scanner. 1,344 infections. Many of which were Windows system files. Needless to say, I had to blow the entire OS away and start fresh. I need to learn more about the recovery console. If you know of a good tutorial on the rc, let me know...


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